I love and enjoy reading blogs of travelers and today I read some amazingly true facts. A newyorker woman, Annie Daly, wrote in a webpage called SELF about "Traveling the world taught me that I was doing wellness all wrong." [link: https://www.self.com/story/wellness-lessons-from-abroad?mbid=social_cp_facebook_cnt].
This article is great to read and reminds me that there is a certain huge truth in everything Annie says. Doesn´t matter where we live, e.g. I live in Argentina, we all do different activities that we and only we consider "wellness." It is, I think, an extraordinary topic to study and experience different cities, people, culture, and what they call wellness is just... wow I find it so interesting! Because I believe that wellness is a good part of the essence of a human being and so subjective at the same time.
Getting inspired is so reconforting for me. As I was reading the article I immediately thought I wanted to write about it. I felt every moment Annie had in Croatia, Jamaica and Perú. Though I haven´t been in these countries, they are very part of my list.
From my experience, I just love to hear what people have to say, to watch what people "normally" do for them, but for me is so strange, fascinating, different... And of course, when I capture a rutine I find extraordinary, I think of all the possibilities I have to incorpore it in my every day life.
For example, before my year abroad Europe, I spent loads of money in things that now I would never do. It is crazy how easy is now for me to save. And that is because my goal is to travel as much as I can. I keep having dinner with friends, I keep going to the sea coast and enjoy sunny days, I keep singing at home with the music out loud, or at the car with the radio on. I keep training and playing field hockey four times a week. I keep doing pretty much everything I have always done, but now I am saving money.
I am now fond into reading, playing sports, listening to a big variety of good music, attending to music concerts, having a quality time with family and traveling accompanied or on my own (which is never alone).
The truth is, that all those cliché phrases you can find on the internet, in books, in kitchen signs and cups about life and traveling, they are hell right. You do have to go for it, you do have to break your fears, you do have to read as much books as you can, you do have to smile a lot, or pray to God every morning. And not because someone says so, but because I find real peace and satisfaction when I put these "cheesy phrases" into practice.
This new me, Is quite similar as my always me, but quite different too. That is because Traveling changes us. We now have a completely different sight of the world but also of our city, our family, our own soul.
I leave with a good cheesy phrase for y´all

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