Me + First Month in Dublin


I am Michelle, a 22 years old Argentinian lady. I have a Degree in Tourism.
I plan to travel and get soaked of cultures, traditions, and history. Dreaming is free, so I have it like a lifestyle.

I am self-confident, sociable, fearless, with a great sense of humor. I smile and laugh more than I should, and I will always join my friends or family wherever they propose me.

I like to take pictures, but I don´t consider myself a photographer, as I have never taken a course. I just appreciate a moment and stop it in time
I extremely enjoy outdoors activities, but I am also fascinated with museums, gretting to know new palaces, architectural works, paintings. Music? I am fond into inde/ rock genres.

My Current Experience


So this was one of my first pictures I took during my first week in Dublin. I think it was the first night without clouds, and I was amazed how marvellous the streets shined with the pubs, markets and shop lights. Hundreds of people walking through O´ Connel Street, going everywhere.

I arrived on Thursday the 4th of February, 2016. The first three weeks were really cold and rainy. Luckily, it has changed a bit the last couple of days as Spring is supposed to appear soon. 

My first impression of the city is that it looks older than I thought. The houses are not modern. I really like it, becauses as a Technician in Tourism, I rather repair, redecorate, repaint houses, than demolish and built totally different buildings, erradicating the architectural armony.

Furthermore, the pubs are so picturesque. In Argentina (where I belong to) Irish Pubs are the best you could ever go to drink good beer. Here you should ask for a pint and enjoy it... No matter how much time you take to drink it, it will NEVER get warm :D This is one of the advantages of Ireland´s weather.

Living is cheaper than other European Countries they say, but I find it really expensive though. Especially the room rent and public transport, but I knew it since I planned to come. The food is good in my opinion. I am not eating Irish dishes, but I do use their raw material, and I find it very natural and tasty. I love that sweet things taste much less sweet than in Argentina, I find that healthier.

Irish people are very nice and gentile, but there are too many homeless people and depressed faces when I walk down the streets.

Pubs play really old music, you can easily listen to MACARENA, or ALL THE SINGLE LADIES (I dont even know if the song is named like that) and people get crazy and dance. If you ever play that kind of music in an Argentinian disco or pub, you will have to close soon.

The Radio seems to be stucked in time, and you will never listen to a spanish or portuguese song. That annoys me because Argentinian radios will always play good old and new english songs and we (America or Spain) have great music too.

Something that I´m absolutely happy about, is that I found a Southamerican Shop which sells some Argentinian traditional food, snacks and drinks. Of course it is expensive, but at least I can buy them once in a while :D

Anyway, I am having a great time in this beautiful city, with its Liffey River giving life on rainy or sunny days.
